Finally winters are here!! All the winter loving people have already starting rejoicing & smiling. Not that Delhi is anywhere close to Canada (where every other person’s relatives reside who take immense pride in letting us know the daily temperature..and the day there is snow fall – beware as this would be the topic of conversation for the entire day!!) or even apna Shimla; but still we look forward to a post dinner walk (with piles of clothes on) having icecream / chuski & shivering in the cold..or sitting in the blanket watching TV & eating peanuts / oranges..the list is endless…
Even though we Delhites love to wear layers of winter clothes, they are a big no-no at the weddings..Weddings are a true test of our immunity..where the deep necks, sleeve less, mid-riff baring dresses are a must for every girl/woman (irrespective of age or weight)… anybody carrying a shawl is declared an Aunty rightaway.
Going out in our very own Delhi ki sardi is a big hassle..It takes hours to co-ordinate the sweater (after checking if the drycleaner’s tag has been removed) and the jacket (bought from last year’s end of season sale); jeans with the boots..not to forget the cap & d mittens & the muffler all. By the time you leave, you realize that sun is in the sky & the heat becomes unbearable..whew!! You spend the whole time sweating & fuming (fighting with the Delhi traffic with A/C switched on in the car)…but those jackets can’t be taken off..when else would you wear them. Plus, if you dare not to carry the weight of all these clothes & leave your place with a confident ‘Sun in Beaming' look; the evening chill might freeze that smile on your face.
Still, the happy memories, warm colors, hot coffee, big blanket, morning fog, lazy days are enough to make us welcome this season with open arms.
With a few days remaining for the end of this season all that I can wish for all of us is.. enjoy the season - it won’t come back for another year..Happy Winters :)